Monday, December 9, 2013

and then they made their own ornaments

and my heart grew three sizes that day.
My kids are pretty much enchanted by the new Frozen movie.
Okay.  I am too.
Are you?
It's just so adorable!  The music, the characters, the story line, Olof!....singing about the Summer.
We might need to see it again.
Because the kids can't stop thinking about it.  

The other day Owen had a great idea, "hey Mom, we should make Frozen ornaments!  All we have to do is draw them, glue them to a box, then cut them out!"
You're right! 
That's all we have to do.

So he drew Olof.  And Lucy drew Anna and Elsa.
And they turned out great!
We cut up old cereal boxes and taped twine to the back....similar to Cereal Box frames and Wrapping Paper Tags.
But these were entirely their creations.
Is there anything sweeter?
 These are the moments that make parenting totally worth it.
And now my three favorite ornaments didn't come from the store.  They came without ribbons, boxes, and bows. And they hang on our funny little tree that sits on a table, for one more year.  I think by next year Clara will be ready.
Until then, it's been a Christmas present to myself to not say "no no touching" all month long.
 Thank you kiddos for the Christmas reminder that....

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