Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Brand New Video!--the video that will change your life....

That's a little dramatic.
But seriously!
I've wanted to share this with you guys for years!
And now you'll want to share it with your friends, your spouse, your kids....anyone!  It's not a sewing video.

It's something I learned in high school and I use it ALL THE TIME.
It's my little gift to you, since I'm sure you've felt like this before...

It doesn't need to be that hard! 
I'm going to show you a simple way to tie a bow on a box and it works every time.

Let me break it down:
• This method uses the proper amount of ribbon, without any waste.
• There are NO knots, anywhere....so your gift actually lays flat on the bottom....and the gift-opener can untie it without using scissors.
• The bow actually hangs straight, without flipping up the top.
• And my favorite part....you don't need anyone to hold their finger tight in the middle while you try to tie a bow around the gift!  In fact, you can even walk away in the middle of it and the ribbon stays in place!
I love it!
Okay. I'm excitedly rambling.
Let me just say:
Ready to try?
Just hit the play button below and enjoy and share it around....

[tube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdU_X3Q9UFk, 680,383[/tube]

MADE EVERYDAY with Dana is a fresh new show, making everyday items you'll use and love.
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