Friday, August 29, 2014

Mastering Zipper Techniques

Do you ever worry that life will be too short to learn everything that you want to??
About once a year I think, eek!  I still need to learn to build furniture, and play the guitar, and use Photoshop, and C-walk (Yep. That's high on the list).

Well thank goodness we live in a digital playground where there are so many, many resources available for learning!  I love to share tips and ideas with you guys; and I love to learn from others as well.
And this month I decided to improve my knowledge about zippers.
You see, I am not a master of zippers.  I know my fair share, but I wanted to learn more.  So I did a most logical thing...I headed over to Craftsy and clicked on their free Mastering Zipper Techniques class.  FREE!  Yay!

Of course before I could even click on the sewing class category, my eyes wandered to all the other fabulous categories they improving my photo skills....

And what??  There's a class on making artisan bread??  I need to do that.  Today.  YES.

If you're new to Craftsy, like me, just start clicking around.  Because there's really something for everybody (and probably a lot of things from your must-learn bucket list).

In a nut-shell: Craftsy is like an online school full of interesting courses, taught in a video/lesson setting by interesting teachers.  In fact, some of the instructors will be familiar faces!  Many classes you pay for, and in return you have access to the videos and download content forever and you're also able to ask the teacher questions.  Some classes are offered as Free mini-classes---like this one I took here---and give you a good taste of the Craftsy brand before jumping in.

And get to learn about zippers!
I clicked on the Sewing category and checked out this: 

The class is called Mastering Zipper Techniques with Sunni Standing.

And it walks you through 6 different lessons, from a very basic zipper, to invisible zippers, and even how to sew one into tricky spots where there are linings and facings, etc. 
It might sound complicated.  But you know what....with the way Sunni talks, in her really calm manner, and how carefully she walks you through the steps, it makes you feel like you can sew a wedding dress, with zippers at every seam.
....which sounds like a horrible design idea.
But really.  She makes you feel like you can do it all.
The class really gives you a grasp on all types of zippers, what the differences are, and how to install them.
And since I'm a girl who likes to wing-it most of the time, I appreciated learning all her proper methods (so that I know when I'll want take short-cuts. At least that's my philosophy).

Want to become a zipper master too?  It's easy....just click the link and hit enroll.
And if you're interested in other Free sewing courses, click through all the categories because each one offers a few mini-classes.
Have fun sewing!

This post is sponsored by Craftsy.

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